Exclusive Behind The Scenes Pics From Hazel Hayes And Dodie Clark's Snow White Shoot With Linda Blacker

Snow White and the Evil Queen get an update for the internet age.

Time and time again the story of Snow White comes back to us, but we guarantee that this is it retold as you've never seen it before: by photographer Linda Blacker.

Taking the fairy tale we all grew up with and giving it an update for the internet age, shecast YouTubersDodie Clark (doddleoddle) and Hazel Hayes (chewingsand) in the lead roles foranother fantastical set of photos that she's been revealing over on her Instagram account.

But if you just can't get enough of the totally beautiful picsthen we've got a bit of treat in store as we've got a selection of behind the scenes pics for you to check our right here, right now.

Chatting to us about the story behind thephotos, Linda says: "This adaptation of Snow White combines elements of the traditional Brothers Grimm tale with a story of my creation. The tale I'm telling through this series of images takes place *after* Snow White has taken back the kingdom with the aid of the 7 dwarfs.

"Snow is now queen of the kingdom where all has been well, until the Evil Queen returns and traps poor Snow White within her enchanted Magic Mirror. "

Planning a shoot like this takes a lot of careful thought andLinda built the set from scratch, doing the woodwork, painting the backdrop and decking it out in flowers without so much as a helping hand from herfairy godmother.

She also puts a lot of thought into the stories for each particular YouTuber she works with and explains: "The characters in the story have very specific characteristics which I wanted to match to the right YouTube personalities.

"Snow White, the English Rose with pale skin and dark hair, was the perfect role for Dodie. Not only does Dodie have the perfect look and attitude to carry off the Snow White we know and love, but she's also a talented singer (just like the Disney Snow!)"

"Hazel was the perfect fit for the Evil Queen for all of therightreasons," Linda adds. "A strong presence, cool attitude, balanced with beauty and grace, The Queen and Hazel were a natural fit. Hazel and Dodie's character's have a wonderful contrast which is bolstered by their personalities and the energy they brought to the shoot."

With those incredible costumes and some equally amazing makeup put together by Ashleigh Bunce, the whole effect is our idea of dress-up heaven.

Have a look through the behind the scenes pics from the shoot below:

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