Will Smith Just Accepted The Ultimate YouTube Challenge And No One Can Believe He Said Yes

We love it when a plan like this actually comes together.

Will Smith may be worth over $250million and hailed by Newsweek as “the most powerful actor in Hollywood”, but that doesn’t mean he’s now resigned to sitting at home swimming in all of his money.

Nope, instead he’s turned his interest to YouTube. Because if it’s popular and means broadening his horizons, Will Smith wants in.

And while his videos so far have mostly consisted of motivational messages and daily vlogs, he’s now taken on his first official challenge from the ever-inspiring Yes Theory guys.

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But it’s not just any old challenge, I mean this is Will freaking Smith we’re talking about here, nope, he’s decided to hele-bungee. Yep, that’s bungee jumping out of a helicopter.

However, before we go any further, allow us to introduce you to the guys who came up with the idea in the first place: Yes Theory.

This is a group of four peoplewho met in the most serendipitous of waysand decided to live by the motto “seek discomfort”, which ultimately leads them to doing the most insane and life-inspiring things. Whether that’s saying yes to everything for 24 hours, or crashing a billionaire’s Oscars viewing party, it’s no surprise that they already have over a million subscribers.

So, with Will having said yes to their challenge video with his very own requests, including that they do it for charity, over the Grand Canyon and once his movie has finished filming, it’s only a matter of time before we get to see the end result.

And if Thomas, Ammar, Matt and Derin’s reaction is anything to go by, it’s going to be the most surreal video they’ve ever made.

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