Frankie Bridge Reveals The Saturdays Are Getting Back Together

It's about time, girls...

The Saturdays fans will be happy.

Frankie Bridge has confirmed that the girl group WILL be getting back together next year - YAY!

Speaking at Attitude Awards in London, one fifth of the group Frankie said they will 'definitely' be getting back together.

And we can hardly wait!

Well, she said, "I think next year you’ll definitely see us all doing something."

While the above sounds vague - let's face, that quote could mean they're all off to Asda together for all we know - she did put our minds at ease.

"The lucky thing for us is that we are all still together, we are just taking a break, so we all will be back doing something. We’re not putting an end to anything! If anyone still wants us we’ll be there."

OK, well that does seal it - The Saturdays are returning and we couldn't be more excited.

The girls have been taking a much needed break since last year, with having babies and what not, but we're glad we haven't seen the last of the 'Higher' singers.

Now we just need to wait patiently until 2016. It's going to be hard.

By Mike Williams

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