Leonardo DiCaprio 'Flicked Away' Justin Bieber From Orlando Bloom

An eyewitness has shed more light on their 'Beefa bust-up, revealing that Leo is NOT a Belieber...

An eyewitness to Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom's now infamous Ibiza bust-up has claimed the actor's pal Leonardo DiCaprio 'flicked' JB away as he approached Bloom.

Following reports that The Hobbit actor threw a punch at Biebs at Cipriani restaurant after he allegedly made a comment about Orlando's ex-wife Miranda Kerr, it seems Leo is also NOT a Belieber.

Spanish model Anastasia Skolkova - who was dining near where it all kicked off - told The Mirror: "People were quiet, just having their dinners. Leonardo DiCaprio was sitting with Orlando at their table. It was a big table, they had a lot of friends.

“Everything was quiet and then suddenly, people had cameras out. Then it was like dinner with a show.

"Bieber said something to DiCaprio - I don’t know exactly what, because it was seven or eight metres away. Leo brushed his hands at him, like, I don’t care what you say. Yeah, he flicked him away.”

[related]Skolkova continued: "Bieber got angry. Orlando got very, very angry. When Bieber walked maybe 10 metres away, Orlando maybe had half a minute to think about what he was going to do. He got up and started running. Then he jumped over the sofa."

It's not the first time Leo is said to have dismissed the Baby hitmaker, with sources telling Star magazine that The Wolf of Wall Street actor 'snubbed' Justin at Cannes a few months back.

An onlooker recalled that Bieber tried to party with DiCaprio at Gotha bar, adding: "Justin was nodding and smiling in Leo's direction, but Leo just shook his head no and waved him off. He thinks Justin's a little twit."


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