6 Things Backpackers Are Sick Of Hearing
Backpackers are (generally) adventurous, open minded and outgoing. After all, it takes a lot of courage to leave family and friends and jet off into the unknown. That’s why some people are so flabbergasted by the concept of packing up and leaving home. They simply can’t even begin to comprehend why we do it.
Here, the team at StudentUniverse and GapYear.com share the comments often made to travellers that grind their gears!
“You can’t put off the 'real world' forever”
For many people, the 'real world’ is getting a job, buying a house, getting married and having babies. Now, that’s totally fine. But why travelling is not considered ‘the real world’? Surely the amazing things we experience on the other side of the globe is far more real than a sheltered life at home?
Sure, we learn about wars and famine at school but seeing the Killing Fields in Cambodia – for example – is a much bigger reality check of what other cultures have had to, and still do, endure. Some other versions of the ‘real world’ are a lot less luxurious than ours and visiting them puts into perspective how lucky we are.
“What about if you run out of money?”
Jobs exist outside of England, people, and you can earn some extra money while you travel. Whether it’s cleaning a hostel in exchange for free accommodation or applying for a working holiday visa and working as a waitress, there are always opportunities to make your cash last a bit longer.
“What about the gap on your CV?”
We’re brought up to believe that any gap in an employment history is scrutinised. But time spent away from home can benefit your success rate with job offers. People like to hear about travelling – not to mention that travel is essential to a modern education!
“Don’t you want to settle down?”
Well, maybe we aren’t going to force ourselves to settle down with any old Tom, Dick or Harry. Not met anyone in your home town worth settling down with? What better way to meet someone likeminded and with the same interests than by doing what you love most: backpacking?!
“You should really think about investing in your future”
Memories are worth more than money. Fact.
You grow up a lot while travelling. You’re in charge of your own wellbeing and have to organise money, transport and a place to stay – all the while keeping your wits about you in an unfamiliar place. Important life skills, no?
Plus, what’s the rush? Most of us don’t even know what we’re having for dinner tonight, let alone what we’ll be doing five years down the line! It’s never too late to start thinking about the future. Make the most of living in the present and you never know what’s around the corner.
“I suppose it’s good to get it out of your system”
As you’ll know if you’ve caught the travel bug, travelling gets into your system, not out of it. There are so many incredible places to visit, adventures to experience, things to learn and people to meet. Why stop any time soon?