Get To Know: James Cherry

This week's featured artist is James Cherry. Check out our interview with him here...

This week's featured artist is singer/songwriter James Cherry.

Check out our interview with him...

1. For those who don’t know about you and your music, tell us a little bit about who you are and where you’re from…

I’m James Cherry from Leicester in the UK. I’ve been writing songs since I was 13 taking inspiration from people I meet or things happening in my life, but mainly as a means to escape.

2. Describe your sound in three words…

Aggressive soul, mate.

3. Who inspired you to start a career in music?

Sounds a bit like “someone get the violins out” and I genuinely don’t want it to - but I guess it wasn’t a person that made me start, it was the opposite, the lack of having someone. I’m an only child and I guess when I started going through my teens I saw that writing was the best way to get close to something, almost like I was making a best friend with my own thoughts - fucking strange.

4. Who are your biggest musical influences?

I always hate this question but for once I have an answer! Paolo Nutini - I was 13 when his first album came out and I just felt so connected with his lyrics which were kinda lonely lyrics and I guess that spurred me on in how I was feeling, maybe. I’ve been listening to so much of his old stuff recently and I just love how connected I get with each album! They all take me back to a place or memory. I love the soul and passion that man possesses, I definitely ooze jealousy at times because I’m so in awe of his personal songwriting. Also been banging out The Streets A Grand Don’t Come For Free, I love how his everyday life is so real.

5. Tell us about the writing and recording process for your new single, 'Hold On'.

As always, something happens in my life and the only way I can process it is to write a song about it! When I wrote ‘Hold On’, I was feeling untouchable, some what invincible in my relationship. But I wasn’t paying attention to my misses at the time and was thinking everything was ok until she turned around and told me how it was! This spurred the lyrics “My ego had taken over, oh I thought I had you in the palm of my hand”. It opened my eyes and I realised how fucking selfish and naive I was being because in the end she did go…

I finished the track with an amazing guy called Braque (Dan Priddy). When he laid the chords down around the vocal, it was an instant “yes!” The rest just clicked into place. He is such a talented man!

6. What can we expect from your live shows?

I recently did a Sofar Sounds in London, which anyone should check them out - they are amazing! And I met a guy who after every performance gives a 5 word review, let me just check my Instagram messages… So Simon’s review of me was: “Undulating Soulfully Raw, Harmonically Poetic”. I liked that! So let’s trust Simon.

7. What has been your biggest career highlight so far?

Sounds proper weird but I remember when I was working at the pub and I got told I was gonna get played on Radio 1, but I was stuck behind the bar serving 18 year olds spending all there EMA on Carling tops. Long story short, after a lot of persuading I managed to get off work and my Mum picked me up and as we drove home it came on in the radio, was a proper moment!

8. Have you met anyone and been totally starstruck?

Hahaha, yes - Jamie T… I can’t remember what I said because I was a nervous wreck but yeah - lets move on.

9. What’s on your iPod/playlists that people wouldn’t expect?

Beethoven - ‘Für Elise’. Honestly I listen to this on the train, and just stare out the window. The only piece of work that can put you through all the emotions, happiness, sadness, at the same time

10. When can we see you live?

I’m heads down writing at the moment! But some bits will soon be announced… watch this space. Or this one:

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