Teen Girls Arrested After Making Pretty Little Liars Inspired Threats At School

They created a Snapchat account under the name 'A'

Two teenage girls have been arrested and charged after making threats at school reportedly inspired by the A-based drama on Pretty Little Liars.

Before you hear what went down, you might want to check out the real PLL cast taking our Pretty Little Quick Fire Quiz...

While there were no messages hidden in teeth, random child gosts or bones hidden inside wedding dress corsets, Police say that an Ohio high school was forced to cancel class as a result of the girls’ PLL-worthy behaviour.

Associated Press report that Piqua police say that two girls, aged 14 and 15, have been arrested and charged in Juvenile Court for threats that led to an early dismissal and cancellation of classes on Thursday.

According to police officials, the 15 year old girl in question created a Snapchat account under the alias of A.

In true A style, she then allegedly used the Snapchat to post threats about exposing her classmates’ secrets, which later even lead to sparking false rumours about a school shooting.

Police say that the Snapchat posts then lead to the 14 year old girl writing a fairly terrifying message on a bathroom mirror which said: ‘I’m still going to shoot up the school.A.’


Crikey, move over dodgy accent British Alex. It almost makes the real A look tame.

'Words by Lucy Wood'

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