Ruby Rose Speaks Out On Why She Chose Not To Undergo Gender Transition Surgery

The OITNB star talks about her childhood and gender fluidity...

The over-night sensation, Ruby Rose, has opened up about her decision not to undergo gender transition surgery in an interview with Access Hollywood.

The 'Orange Is The New Black 'star describes herself as gender fluid meaning she doesn't identify as male or female.

Regardless of gender, Ruby Rose has set the world alight with her overnight rise to fame and becoming everyone's new obsession. Sorry Kim, but the internet literally broke down when she came on the scene in 'OITNB'.

In a recent interview with Access Hollywood she opens up about her childhood and why she decided not to undergo the life-changing surgery to become a man.

The Access Hollywood reporter asks Rose, did she ever feel that at one point she might transition? To which the star responded saying:"Yeah, when I was younger for sure, I had this jar that I would collect dollars, actually we were so poor, it would have been cents. I probably had 19C to go towards this surgery that I didn't really know a lot about."

She added:"I'd seen a daytime documentary or something on Oprah and I was like 'that's what I'm gonna do' and so I started saving from the age of five."

Speaking of her childhood and how her family came to terms with her gender fluidity, Rose continued:"I got to fifteen and kinda decided to get more into my body, and I shaved my head! My mum was just like 'I don't know what's going on right now, but if you are happy then do it' and that's when I started to change the way I dressed and talked, and realised that I didn't want to transition, I just wanted to be more comfortable in my own skin."

Amen to that, Ruby Rose! Her openness with gender has inspired the LGBTQ community, along with fellow role model, Caitlyn Jenner. When asked about this, Rose said;"Oh my god. I feel blessed to be alive and even part of this huge movement, I'm like 'Caitlyn call me! I mean, I'm busy but I wanna hang out! You're awesome.'" We would love an invite to this hangout please Ruby!

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