Get To Know: Drones Club

This week we’re Getting To Know the revolutionary artists in our latest introducing interview…

Drones Club are making noise. In bursts of activism they have crashed London Fashion Week, holding signs that read ‘The Emperor’s New Drones’, and handed out real lambs’ hearts at a Tory conference.

First and foremost though, they are a band… sort of. Their music too is politically fuelled and, leading with the view that modern society has numbed the minds of humans, they create electronic music that is best described as ‘space-disco’.

Drones Club

Credit: Drones Club

Drones Club

Since their debut 2015 track ‘Soul of a Spaceman’ they havebecome less melancholy and, whilst no doubt still politically motivated, they’ve taken a more uplifting, danceable approach to their revolution against living as drones.

Check out their latest music video for ‘Raise It Up’ and read their introducing interview below!

1) For those who don’t know about you and your music, tell us a little bit about who you are and where you’re from…

We call ourselves an organisation but feel free to think of us as a band. There are three full-time members but anyone can be a part of Drones Club, don’t be shy hit us up with any ideas. We work out of a studio in Tottenham and have put out plenty music and have done bits like handing out actual hearts at the Tory conference.

We want to shift people’s perception, even if it’s just for a bit. Make people feel that we don’t have to accept a monotonous version of reality that gets foisted down our cakeholes. We like to have fun, but we care very much about all this.

2) Describe your sound in three words…

Electronic, Psychedelic, Popdown

3) Who inspired you to start a career in music?

Inspiration I don’t think would be the word. We start making music or making anything because of a vague feeling, a sense that we should be doing something for the world. Like, I don’t remember my formative years as clearly defined by inspirations and drives, just sort of an electrical storm in the brain that caused stumbling about from idea to idea. Like just a kid having fun.

Your motives become clearer to you the longer you do something, the longer you stick at anything you come to understand why you’re doing it or you give up. We do it, I think, because we want to positively influence culture: more kind, more free, more strobe.

4) Who are your biggest musical influences?

The field, the car, the rave.

Drones Club
Drones Club

5) Tell us about the writing and recording process for your new single ‘Raise It Up’…

Our process I guess could be divided into three stages: research, writing and presentation. So, we’ll spend a while experimenting with new techniques, textures, rhythms, building up a palette. Then we’ll write using the colours from the palette and building on what we’ve learned before. Then we’ll scrape of the top 10% of the fruits of that writing and experimentation and turn them into finished tracks that can be easily digested by the good people at the end of the wire.

6) What can we expect from your live shows?

Imagine being chased by a pack of wild dogs through the forest and then at some point you realise you’re not running, you’re flying, the forest is now clouds and the dogs are flying next you wearing safari suits and you’re all shuffling like champs. Have a brandy, old friend.

7) What has been your biggest career highlight so far?

Taking our Airbnb hosts along when we played a festival in Bavaria, getting them up on stage then hammering it back down the autobahn.

8) Have you met anyone and been totally starstruck?

Carl Craig tweeted us the other day. I dropped a f***ing plate.

9) What’s on your iPod/playlists that people wouldn’t expect

Once did a bar shift and listened to Elton John’s back catalogue in chronological order - that shit is exquisite.

10) When can we see you live?

Playing the Cause 19th October, get among!

Last week we introducedSasha Keable - you can Get To Know her HERE!

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