Mariah Carey Is Getting Her Own Reality Show, So Here’s 9 Examples Of Her Excellent Shade

Bow down.

When it comes to divas, Mariah Carey is the OG queen, which makes her one of the most entertaining celebrities EVER.

And lucky for us, we’re about to see the singer like we’ve never seen her before, because she’s landed herself her very own reality show called Mariah’s World.

Debuting on E! (you know, the geniuses behind the Kardashians), there will be eight one-hour episodes all about Queen Mar.

Following her through the likes of her latest tour and wedding plans, this is clearly going to be a show full of sass.

So to celebrate, let’s remind ourselves of some of Mariah’s best shade, shall we?

When the basics are physically exhausting you

When you don't want to cause drama so you plead the fifth

When you're over the conversation

When your humble brags aren't so humble

When your friend's taking selfies with you and you're not loving the angles

When bae gets a little too comfortable

When you're ~totally~ pretending to listen

When you're just being honest

And, of course, when people mistakenly think they can talk to you

We can all learn from Miss Carey.

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