9 Reasons Zoella Is Basically A Real Life Disney Princess
Superstar YouTuber Zoella is pretty much one of the cutest people on the internet, and this got us thinking of how much she resembles a real life Disney princess.
Here are 9 reasons why sheis pretty much Snow White, Cinderella and Rapunzel, all in one person...
1. Alfie Is Basically Her Prince Charming
They give us ultimate relationship goals and make us want to live happily ever after.
2. Her Red Lips Are Exactly Like Snow White's
3. She LOVES To Bake!
Her YouTube channel is FULL of videos of Zoella and her pals making perfect cupcakes, macarons and cookies.
4. She Feels All The Feels
Although at times Zoella can seem completely super-humanly nice, shehas emotions just like the rest of us. And just like our favourite Disney princesses, sometimes it's all just a bit too much.
5. Her Eyes Are The Size Of Mars
Disney princesses always have HUGE eyes, just like Zoella's.
6. She's Basically Snow White, And Her Subscribers Are TheSeven (Million) Dwarves
We know she has just under 9 million subscribers but we couldn't resist this pun...
7. Her Hair Is Always Flawless Like Only A Disney Princess' Could Be
We see a resemblance to rapunzel on a daily basis.
8. Every Princess Needs An Animal Side-Kick, Zoella's Guinea Pigs Are Just That
9. Does Minnie Mouse Count As A Disney Princess?!
We certainly think so.
- By Megan Downing