Zoë Kravitz Talks Travel Tips, Instagram Envy And How To Switch Off From Technology

She's opening up.

'Zoë Kravitz might be one of the major players on the Hollywood scene right now but that doesn't mean she's immune from the darker sides of social-media. Learning how to balance the trolls while still documenting her jet-set lifestyle is something most people might find hard to handle. '

'But Zoë seems to have the whole thing figured out, sharing in her competition for Canon that you *can* still live in the moment and have a healthy collection of pictures if you play your cards right.'

This campaign is all about using your social media to tell stories while you’re off having the time of your life – how do you personally balance ‘living in the moment’ if you still want to document the holiday experience?

I think it is exactly that, all about balance. Living in the moment but capturing that moment so you can relive it forever and share it with the people in your life.

Do you ever get Instagram-envy when you’re scrolling your feed? What sort of posts make you the most green-eyed?

I don’t turn into the green eyed monster often. I only follow my friends and family, and use Instagram to keep in touch with what they are doing. Reese Witherspoon is a special friend of mine and she’s great at sharing her most special moments with Instagram followers.

Do you think we’re too reliant on our phones when we’re on vacation? How do you switch or and unplug from technology/is it something you find hard?

I travel a lot for work and my schedule is often quite hectic so when I am on vacation and get a chance to unwind I massively make the most of it. I try to switch off and enjoy the moment but always have my camera with me so I can capture all those spontaneous special moments that happen when you’re not expecting it.

What are the ultimate social media faux pas, in your opinion?

I think it is as simple as a sheer lack of consideration for others that seems to be the biggest cause of how people mess up online, it could be anything from trolling to posting inappropriate things.

And if you could escape for a whole 365 days to travel wherever you wanted, where would you go and who would you take with you?

Top of my list is Japan, but I would also travel around Europe for sure. Berlin is one of my favourite places in the summer time. It is an amazing city. The nightlife is great, the art is inspiring and the people have such an amazing quality of life. In Berlin you aren’t being judged for who you are and what you’re wearing, and I find that so refreshing.

I absolutely love Spanish and Italian culture. The people have the best outlook on life and siestas are the best ideas I have ever heard of!

I’d also go to Iceland and Buenas Aires in South America. These are both places I have been, but haven’t spent much time so would love to explore more stories there.

It would be great to take my boyfriend but honestly sometimes I think you bed into the culture more if you travel solo, it forces you to get to know local people.

If I wasn’t judging this competition I would definitely enter! It’s so easy;all you have to do is share a photo on Instagram with the story behind it including the #liveforthestory and @Canonuk

Do you have a memory of a holiday that will always stick in your mind, either because it was amazing or because everything went a little bit wrong?

Some of my favourite summers have been spent in London. You can’t beat a park in London in the summer, they are full of people having the best time in the sun. Brits sure know how to have a good time! I have a bunch of friends in London so love traveling over to the UK to hang out with them.

As someone who travels so much, what do you do to feel at home when you’re abroad or away shooting for long periods of time? Any advice for making traveling easier?

Music makes me feel at home so I always have my headphones with me. Music is such a powerful way to tell stories and really helps me to switch off. I never travel without a jumper and socks – planes can be very cold!

We adored your Met Gala look this week – can you talk us through what it was like putting this look together?

It was a team effort, my stylist and I worked with Oscar de la Renta’s team to develop the concept which was inspired by Audrey Hepburn. Oscar De La Renta dressed Audrey Hepburn many times so it was a privilege to follow in her footsteps and wear a dress inspired by such an icon.


We always love how much you mix it up on the red carpet – what sort of things are currently inspiring your styling, both in terms of fashion and your hair and makeup looks?

I am really revisiting my style at the moment with my new haircut, my whole wardrobe looks different on me now so I am having a lot of fun figuring it all out again.

'Zoë Kravitz launches Canon’s 365 Days of Summer competition to find a storyteller who will spend a year traveling the world identifying and living a new story every day.Zoë launches the competition by telling her own summer story which you can see enter, simply share your most memorable summer picture on Instagram with the story behind it (no more than 50 words), tagging @canonuk and #LiveForTheStory.'

'Lovely. Now let's all take a look at whether people do or definitely do not know their way around a uterus. Surprises ahead:'

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