Revealing Photos Show The Real Differences In New Zelda Game

Here's how different The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks on the Wii U compared to Nintendo Switch!

Ahead of the big Nintendo Switch release day in March, some screenshots have appeared to show just what you get for your money when it comes to The Legend ofZelda: Breath of the Wild.

The game will be a launch title for the Switch, but will also be coming out on the older Wii U. So, is it worth buying the new Nintendo Switch to play it on?

These photos, shared by NeoGaf, show the latest Zelda game played on the Nintendo Switch and also played on the Wii U. Check out the differences side by side:

As you can see the detail on the Switch is greater than on the Wii U. When it comes to depth of field you can see a lot further on the Switch while more features in the distance are maintained.

You may also notice that the Wii U version looks a lot more washed out. Whereas on the Switch the colours are rich and punchy. Reflections, like on that lake that Link is gliding over, look far more realistic on the Switch.

While the differences aren’t terrible, the Switch is way better.

So for those that already own a Wii U, perhaps the upgrade won’t be needed - although the Switch version will likely be more immersive. Then, of course, you *do* also get to play the Switch version on the move too.

'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' is on the Wii U for £40 and on the Switch for £50.

'- By Luke Edwards @eelukee'





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