The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Has Gone Gold & This Pic Proves It

The wait is killing us.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has gone gold, which means yes, it’s officially finished and off to the printers to be pressed onto discs and shipped around the world!

The news came courtesy of game studio Monolith Soft’s Yasuyuki Honne, who tweeted a picture of the development team celebrating completion of the hotly-anticipated game with a fancy dinner.

Monolith jumped on board a little while back to polish Breath of the Wild’s open world and help get the game - which has been blighted by changes and delays (don’t forget, many people picked up Nintendo’s ailing Wii U console specifically to play this Zelda instalment) - back on course.

We recently shared these photos which showgameplay of the latest Zelda played on the Nintendo Switch, versus footage of the game being played on the Wii U. No, the changes aren’t super terrible, but they are noticeable, right?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be available on the Wii U for £40, on the Switch for £50, from March 3, 2017 and seriously, we cannot wait.

And yes, that’s the same day the new Nintendo console, Nintendo Switch, launches too. Excited? Us? Of course not…

'- By Vikki Blake @_vixx'









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