John Williams Will Score Star Wars Episode VII

Legendary composer hired to score JJ Abrams' forthcoming movie...

John Williams has been confirmed to be returning to write the musical score for Star Wars Episode VII.
LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy - who is also producing the JJ Abrams-directed movie - broke the news at a Star Wars fan event in Essen, Germany.
According to Digital Spy, she said: "I had breakfast with someone very important to the Star Wars family last Friday, and he has committed to working on Episode VII. And that is Mr John Williams.
"Every time I hear John's music, it just gives me the chills. It's so important to the saga."
And she then played a pre-recorded interview with Williams - who also scored Jaws, the Indiana Jones movies, Superman and E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial.
The five-time Oscar winner said: "Of course I haven't seen the script, the new story is still unknown to me, but I can't imagine that there won't be some references to the existing stories that we know that would necessitate and make appropriate the use of earlier themes."
We told you in the week how [uuid=939c27ac-37db-4b66-ac26-8ef1b4e9f155]Ryan Gosling is reportedly in the frame[/uuid] for a role in the new movie.

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