JJ Abrams Relieved By Star Wars Episode VII Delay

Director tells MTV the extra time will allow team to create a 'great' film...

JJ Abramshas expressed his relief that the release date for Star Wars Episode VII has been pushed back to the end of 2015.
The director has been speaking to MTV News - and suggested that the delay will allow him and his team the time they need to do a proper job.
"Before I even came onto the project, they were talking about 2015," he said. "And they made this announcement very early on, which I understand.
"But it didn't necessarily have anything to do with the reality of where anything was creatively. I think that it's a hugely important thing that [the creative process] come first.
"A release date is great, but you have to release something great. To me, the new release date is a huge improvement."
[uuid=3088d5f1-57e2-4e45-86e7-a9d71b46104a]Open auditions[/uuid] for the lead roles in the new movie were recently held in London and Dublin.
And Abrams has also recently confirmed that much-loved droid R2-D2 will feature in the new film.

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