Spider-Man: Homecoming Sign Up Major A-List Star As Villain!

Looks like this Oscar-winner is finally joining the movie!

On… off… on again? That’s how it’s currently looking for those Michael Keaton / 'Spider-Man Homecoming 'rumours, with the star apparently back in talks to join Marvel’s web-slinging reboot. Word on the street is the former Batman star is very close to signing a deal, and apparently he’s in line to play the villain of the piece…

The news linking Keaton to the project first broke last month, only for negotiations to hit a snag over a reported dispute over money. However, it looks like Sony and Marvel have made it rain for Keaton, with a better deal now apparently sitting on the table.

The news comes hot on the heels of a supposed plot leak, which has classic Spidey villain The Vulture lined up as the film’s big bad. If all goes to plan, Keaton will sign on to play the avian antagonist, lining up alongside wall-crawling newcomer Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr.’s guest-starring Tony Stark.

If the two studios can make this one happen, we could be looking at one of the most promising superhero movies in years, particularly given the scene-stealing chemistry we saw between Downey and Holland in 'Civil War'. Introducing Birdman into the party? Count us in…

'- By George Wales'

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