Spider-Man: Homecoming Is Bringing Back One Of Your Old Fave Marvel Characters...

We've not seem them for a few movies.

While fans of Civil War are rightly hyped at the prospect of seeing Marvel’s best new double-act of Peter Parker and Tony Stark teaming up in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming', the new movie is also set to resurrect one of its very first buddy duos…

Jon Favreau starred as Stark’s minder, Happy Hogan, way back in the very first Iron Man movie, and now he’ll be making a reappearance in Tony Stark’s latest outing. Looks like Tony needs all the friends he can get, in the wake of Civil War’s shenanigans…

We’ve not seen anything of Happy since he last showed up in 'Iron Man 3', with the big man having sat out both 'Age Of Ultron' and 'Civil War'. Plenty to catch up on then, with Tony having pissed off a whole host of people over the course of those two films.

He’ll likely have plenty on his plate this time too, with Spidey-foes The Vulture, The Tinkerer and Shocker all rumoured to be lining up for villain duty.

We’ll find out for sure when 'Spider-Man: Homecoming opens 'in the UK on 7 July 2017.

'- By George Wales @GeorgeWales85'

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