A GIF Guide To Dumping Someone

Because there are no winners in this nightmare of a situation.

Ever looked over at your partner and realised they're absolutely not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?

It's a prettyuncomfortable epiphany that only flings up two potential options: Either you stay put in a relationship you're not 100% invested in, or you start thinking about an exit strategy that won't cause the other person any unnecessary pain.

'Let's get checking out if a bunch of grown adults can pass a GCSE exam...'

And while there are absolutely no winners in this shitty situation, we've managed to pin down the entire process in the space of elevenGIFs.

1. Noticing a bunch of small things that really piss you off

There's usually that one tiny moment when you realise everything's gone up shit creek. From there, everything your partner does,from the way they breathe, chew, fail to text back for hours on end, and consistently refuse to replace the toilet roll sends you into an absolute rage spiral.

2. Realising how much better everyone else has it

Hearing conversations about how your pals areready to head down the aisle, pop a few babies out, and settle down in the country only emphasises how uncertain you are in your own relationship.And hey, maybe that uncertainty is kind of an answer in itself?

3. Coming to the conclusion that you're going to have to break it off

Reaching the point when you decide that the relationship isn't working out and you're going to have to actively 'do something about it'is a terrifying but crucial first step.

4. Spending hours on endworrying that you're a terrible person

There's nothing peachy about being the person to initiate a break-up. Not only are you mourning the end of a relationship that- at one point- was something special, but you're also slapped with thepretty brutal label of dumper.Which means, dear friend, that you're officially the bad guy.

5. Confessing to a friend that you're ready to do the dumping

Deep breaths. It's time to float the idea of potential break-up to your nearest and dearest. But how should you drop this in the conversation? As if you're still uncertain? As if you haven't been stressing about this for hours on end? More to the point, will they all think you're making a hugemistake?

6. Feeling conflicted when your S.O. doessomething nice

Oh, there it is. The first seed of doubt that is guaranteed to leave you feeling more confused than ever. Here's the crux of it, if relationships in general take hard work and dedication, does it not stand to reason that you should give this thing one last shot before throwing in the towel?

7. Realising you're actually just searching for any excuse to chicken out

Nope. No. This isn't right. Stop talking yourself out of it.

8. Plotting out equally terrible ways to break the bad news

It's time to plan this out with military precision. Option 1: You do it over dinner at home, where nobody is around to see. Option 2: You drop it into casual conversation over the phone. Option 3: You stage your own death, cash in your life insurance, and catch the first flight out to Fiji.

9. Batting away the easy option of a text break-up

You are no coward. You are no coward. You are no coward. You are no coward. You are no coward.

10. Biting the bullet and admitting the relationship isn't working

Forget all those hours spent figuring out the right speech to fire off, because the real thing turns out to be an absolute mess of epic proportions. We're talking back-to-front sentences, stuttering, and maybe even a few tears thrown into the mix.

11. Taking a deep breath and realising you did the right thing

Because the truth is, staying put in a relationship for fear of hurting the other person's feelings is only going to prolong the agony of actually breaking up with them. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but one that you might aswell get popping ASAP.

Now for that well-deserved drink.

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