One Direction Still Have A Group Chat And They Give Each Other Feedback On Their Solo Music

Who wouldn't want to be a fly on One Direction's group chat wall?

One Direction fans everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief asNiall Horan just revealed that the boys do indeed still communicate with one another and they evengive each other feedback on their solo stuff.

Okay so you probablywon't findHarry Styles rippingthe piss out ofLiam Payne for singing aboutstripping it downvia the 'One-D Hunz'Whatsapp chat,insteadthe boys haveagroup email thread to stay in touch. How very sophisiticated.

Niall revealed to The Straits Times: "We talk all the time. The media usually likes to create rivalry between us, but it's great that theycan't because we're releasing different types of music."

"I've heard Liam's new song and Louis' stuff, and they've heard some of mine... It's good to have that because we will be honest with each other if we don't like it, especially because we've done that for so many years." said the 'Slow Hands' singer.

We're thrilledthat the boys are still in contact because surely that means it's only a matter of time before the word 'reunion' creeps up in the conv andthe sooner that happens the sooner we can all go on living happy fulfilled lives.

Until that happens,we guess all this solo stuffain't so bad!

Now for the realquestion here, does anyone bother to Cc:Zayn Malik?

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