Celebrities Losing The Will To Live: The Funniest Gifs

Poor Liam's not the only caught on camera celebrity out there...

Oh Liam. For someone who claims "it's all about the fans", this week's viral video of him looking like a selfie-taking sourpuss has made him officially the grumpiest member of One Direction.

Hitting back on Twitter to defend himself, we're sympathetic. It can't be easy being a celebrity when people seem to idolise your talent as much as your potentialforFacebook likes, as Kirsten Dunst proved in this short film she took part in to highlight the invasiveness of modern culture. Check out 'Aspirational' below.

Bit heavy? Lighten your conscience with these hilarious caught on camera moments...

Poor Leo, realising he hadn't won an Oscar for what is probably at least the 30th time.

Poor Miley, being severely side eyed by Janice Ian and Damien, AKA Katy Perry and Sam Smith.

Poor Kanye. Nothing is ever real.

Poor grumpy cat. It's not easy having people pet you ALL THE TIME.

Poor Kelly. Little did she know what the minute she described herself as the "second lead singer" of Destiny's Child, Beyonce would dismiss her opinion forever.

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