Student Fulfils Dream Of Working For Nintendo And His Story Will Melt Your Heart

Now his dream is reality!

Get ready to feel some serious feelings, because this student's story of acheiving his dreams will warm even the coldest of hearts.

In 2007, high school student Corey Bunnell joined message board TranslatorsCafe for tips and information on how best he could fund taking a degree in a Japanese University.

“My dream is to live in Japan and work for Nintendo as a game designer,” Bunnell wrote in 2007. “I realize this is a very large goal but it has been my dream since I first played Mario. I need help figuring out how to achieve this goal. I know I would need to go toa game design school of some sort, and also get my Japanese to a level where I can speak and write professionally.”

“I'll basically do anything to achieve my goal.”

Ten years later? Redditor Tizzlefix was watching the credits of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and noted one name stood out against a long list of Japanese names.

“You'll notice most programmers etc. in Nintendo games are all of course Japanese being a Japanese company and all,” he wrote. “But I noticed an odd name towards the beginning of the credits, it was an English name. Now normally those are reserved for the translation section of any Nintendo game but this one was for programming.”

Turns out Bunnell did get to the Japan (Ritsumeikan University - you can see him in a student ambassador video below), and has his dream job working at Nintendo. Incredible, eh?

For those of you who’ve already picked up a Nintendo Switch, here’s 18 games out RIGHT NOW that you'll want to play immediately.

'- By Vikki Blake @_vixx'





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