Gigi Hadid's All Pink Outfit Is The Eighth Wonder Of The World

Are we exaggerating? Not remotely.

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Dust your glasses off and give your eyeballs a vigorous rub because Gigi Hadid is serving an all-pink look that deserves - if not global recognition -at leasteveryone's full and undivided attention.

Never one to rock up in an outfit anything less than sensash, the 22-year-old dressed up ina'Rock 'n' Roll Barbie' combo while on her way tothe launch of Vogue Eyewear'scampaign in New York. And shelooks incredible.


While Gigi is usually one to opt for a casual jeans and vintage tee combo, personal stylist Mimi Cuttrell says that she was rearing to trysomething a bit more 'out-there' in honour of the special event.

“She wanted something really special for the event and I was doing research online and came across this amazing suit and who else but Gigi to wear this outfit and to rock it,” the stylistrevealed inPeopleStyle.


Mimi then explained that both she and Gigi put their heads together about how to bring a personal touch to the design, with the paireventually deciding to sack offa teensy bit ofextra fringe.

“The bell bottoms were a little looser originally but we tailored them so they were a tighter fit — tighter at the knees and more of a statement bell bottom pant than the original look from Kreist’s Fall Winter/2017 collection.”

Right, so. Anyone know where we can get somepleatherbootcut trousers on the cheap?

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