Love Island's Muggy Mike Goes Full On Savage While Trolling Montana Brown's Instagram Live

Mike just reached a new level of muggy.

Mike Thalassitis had beef with just about everyone during his brief stints on this year'sLove Island butone person we didn't see himcross wasMontana Brown,until now that is.

It turns out heis making sure that no Islander goes without a generous helping of mug pie sincelast night shebecame his latest victim whileshe was lapping up her new-found fame during an Insta live with her fans.


Unbeknownst to her, it wasn't just her fans participating in the live videoand out of absolutely nowhere Mike decided to strike, firingoff a round ofsavage comments with the first one saying: "Corr and people thought I was dry."

"Nobody cares what you have to say." Read the second comment.Ouch, someone is cleary feeling a bit bitter,or he's just trying to find a way to stay relevent after his less-than succesful time on the show.

To be fairhe might actually be on to something seeing as Twitter users found it prettyhilarious, with one hailinghim a 'legend' after the whole ordeal.

The double dumped Islander finishedoff his rampage with akind of bizarre third commentthat said: "Do you like ham?" - Not sure what he's getting at there but he probably just meant to write beef,seeing as that's exactly what he'strying to start.

All we're saying is the other Islander's better watch out,it's only a matter of time before hestrikes again.

'Want more Love Island take downs? Check out Alex Bowen and Olivia Buckland going to town on the Islanders...'

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