Sophie Kasaei Wishes Boyfriend Joel Corry Good Luck Before His Bodybuilding Comp, And Judging By This Video He’ll Smash It

Sophie Kasaei's boyfriend Joel looks more than ready for his bodybuilding competition...

Sophie Kasaei’s boyfriend Joel Corry is looking insanely buff atm, all ready for a bodybuilding competition he’s taking part in today.

Sophie Kasaei wishes Joel Corry good luck before his bodybuilding competition

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Sophie Kasaei wishes Joel Corry good luck before his bodybuilding competition

Being the totes loving girlfriend that she is, Sophie has posted a good luck message to her fella on Twitter. Aww, so cute.

She’s also revealed in her new! magazine column that Joel’s been so busy getting prepared for the competition that they’ve not had much couple time recently.

“He posted a really cute tweet about looking forward to spending more time with me once he’s done. I think he’s a bit emotional because he’s so hungry. He’s not eating!

“He probably thinks there’s a bit of distance between us, but I know we’ll go back to normal when it’s all over and I can't wait,” she said.

Well, if the recent video that Joel shared to his Twitter page is anything to go by it looks like all his hard work’s been worth it.

Look. At. Those. Muscles. So BIG.

'Words: Olivia Cooke'

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