Charlie Puth Claims Romance With Selena Gomez 'Really Messed Him Up'

It turns out something *was* actually going on between these two.

Fans who always had a sneaky feeling Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez might’ve been dating at one point can finally sit back and feel smug af about their on-point methods of deduction.

The duo teamed up for hit song ‘We Don’t Talk Anymore’ back in 2016 and have pretty much been the subject of countless fan theories and relationship rumours ever since.

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From that time Charlie unfollowed Selena during a spat with Justin Bieber, to the fact that she never appeared in the WDTA music video, to that portrait in Charlie’s ‘How Long’ video that looks suspiciously like her – people have been joining the dots for literal months.

And in an interview with Billboard magazine, Charlie has finally opened up about their not-so-secret connection.


“It’s about a particular moment in my life, when someone very close to me wanted the attention of somebody else," he told the magazine. "When I found that out and we ended it, I might have done some shady things too, and she might have asked me, ‘How long has this been going on?’"

“I don’t kiss and tell, but the only way a song like that can come across as real is if there’s something else going on behind the scenes,” Charlie added. “And that’s what was happening [with Gomez].”

Charlie went on to describe their connection as “short-lived” butmeaningful: "It really messed me up. I’m trying to put this the best way possible: It wasn’t like I was the only person on her mind. And I think I knew that going in — what I was getting myself into.

Billboard Magazine

He continued: “And she evoked such good emotion on that song, it was a pleasure working with her. That’s why I’m always happy to sing it, even though it came from a dark point in my life.”

While he clearly didn’t say anything negative about Selena, some of herfans aren’t thrilled about the fact he mentioned her name at all, while others pointed out that he’s well within his rights to respectfully comment on their connection.

It sounds like we’ll never know the ins-and-outs of what actually went on between Charlie and Selena, but we’re hoping they at least managed to part on amicable terms.

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