Minecraft Youtubers Are Getting Sued By Nintendo, Eek!

Here's how not to get sued by a giant corportation!

Hey Minecraft fans! Good news – here’s how to avoid getting sued by a massive corporation!

Nintendo is out for pixelated blood as it's reportedly started taking people to court for using its characters in Minecraft videos on YouTube.

As it stands YouTubers can actually make money from their Minecraft videos – just one reason the game is so popular. This popularity was enough to make Nintendo put its gaming characters in the Minecraft world, but not enough to let people make money from them, it seems.

The Minecraft add-on, free on Wii U, allows for the Minecraft Super Mario Mash-Up videos, among others, to be made.

The makers of the add-on, 4J Studios, have said that they were assured copyright issues would not be a problem. But apparently Nintendo allows gamers to publish on YouTube but not to make money from that.

While Nintendo is being petitioned to let this go by famous YouTube stars like PewDiePie, we're not holding our breath for a let-up from the company anytime soon. So if you're publishing to YouTube and in the hopes of creating a highly paid Youtube career - be careful!

'- By Luke Edwards @eelukee'

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