Jacko's Back!
Michael Jackson made a glittering return to the UK at the World Music Awards last night - in a sparkly suit and with a rendition of 'We Are The World'.
To see the performance in Overdrive just click here...
The reclusive singer hasn't performed on our shores for over nine years and it was quite a show - in his glitzy get-up he joined a children's choir and sang a few lines of his famous hit.
He punctuated his performance with shouts of "I love you" and sent fans closest to the stage into an excited frenzy as he reached out to touch their hands - at one point he took a US flag and what appeared to be a hand-written note from fans then sent 'em crazy by chucking his fetching sequinned suit jacket off.
Earlier Jacko had collected his Diamond award - for selling more than one hundred million albums of his 'Thriller' disc - from Beyonce.
He told the squealing audience, "I am greatly humbled by this award. When we created 'Thriller' my dream was for it to be the biggest selling album ever, and God has answered my prayers - 25 years later and it's sold 104 million copies. I thank God and I thank you."
He might not have brought the house down with his actual singing (yes, there were some boos) but it was good to see him back - after all the negative reports and bizarre sightings of Jacko in the press over the last few years it was refreshing to see him looking stylish and in good spirits again.
Well done, dude...
And to go straight to all our juicy Jackson material, from the red carpet through to THAT performance click here...