Thursday: Pop Shots

Manson's on the chopping board, Sharon's nasty post, Just Jack's a funny guy and Amy's off the sauce...

Today's Popshots kicks of with some hot Britney action.

Having possibly been advised by friends and family to keep out of sight, Britney recently made a bee line for a camouflaged outfit. Being Britney, however the outfit was a camouflage bikini belonging to a stripper she met in a New York club. Not exactly Ray Mears.

The singer asked the gals if she could swap the tiny dress she arrived in for one of their two-pieces, and after they agreed she got them to teach her the art of burlesque dancing.

It's not clear who Brit was trying to impress though as she apparently shunned the attention of the few men who did make an approach. Instead she went home with a selection of her new dancing pals.

Maybe a few more lessons back at the hotel

In other news, U2 fans have been left bitterly disappointed after shelling out up to 600 to buy tickets for a gig that ended up as non-existent as one of Britters' outfits.

Admittedly, the tickets for a 'gig' in Wembley Stadium carried the warning 'to be confirmed' but that doesn't explain why they were being sold at all.

When The Mirror approached the company's owner about the problem, she was quoted as saying: "I just own the company " I don't run it!" Oh, well, that's ok then - someone else's problem, eh!

In the mean time U2's official site have confirmed that the band have no plans to gig this year, and that fans should always double check first.

Further rumours " 'cause we do love a good rumour, as long as it doesnt cost us anything " are out surrounding Heather Mills McCartney who is allegedly taking part in a US version of Strictly Come Dancing.

Heather Mills has since said that the rumours are untrue, and the people spreading them don't have a leg to stand on she, obviously, phrased it a little differently though.
The final rock to come from the rumour mill today concerns Coldplay's new album, which Gwynny Paltrow says is sounding pretty good.

"I don't think it will come out too soon," she told the Daily Star, "but I think it's going to be their best one yet. [Chris] is working with laser like precision."

Sounds like something we'd love to see - but don't rush out and buy a copy off the internet just yet


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