18 Ways To Fool People Into Thinking You Are Winning At Adulting

Because being a grown up is HARD.

Let’s not sugarcoat things - being an adult essentially sucks 80% of the time. Responsibilities get all up in your face like a needy ex, there is always. more. laundry. to. be. done. and seriously - someone needs to go back and tell child you to make the most of the glory days, when you weren’t too scared to check your bank account.

However, do not despair - because it is possible to fake it until you make it, whenever that might be. Here’s 18 top tips on how to fool people into thinking you are winning at adulting.

Practice your responses for every social situation.

Google ‘potpourri’.

Make to-do lists.

Remember that what happens in the mug, stays in the mug.

At least consider buying groceries.

Remain vigilant.

Networking is important.


Attend appointments solo (but it’s still OK to call your mum for help while you’re there because let’s not get too crazy).

Always take your vitamins.

Purchase your own bed linen.

Use your time wisely.

Make sure you have a fully-stocked kitchen.

Do your own laundry?

Practice restraint.

Despair at the state of today’s ‘youth’ (even when you secretly want to be them).

Remember that Google is your friend.

And finally…

'- Words by Lizzie Cox.'

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