Klaxons: “Ban All Glowsticks!”

The nu-rave band have had it up to here with nu-rave and glowsticks

Klaxons would like to ban glowsticks from their gigs and are sick to their luminous back teeth with this so called nu-rave movement.

Speaking in an interview with the newly-launched Popworld Pulp magazine, "the most nu-rave of nu-rave outfits let rip on all the lazy journalists that wont shut up about the scene that doesnt even exist. We kept getting asked to explain it," explained Jamie Reynolds from the nu-rave outfit, "And its like, Look, the whole idea of new rave was to take the piss out of the media by making them talk about something that didnt exist, just for our own amusement.

And they'd say, I appreciate that, but can you tell me more about new rave?"

And dont even get the angry nu-rave ravist started on glowsticks: "Theres a general lack of glowsticks (in Europe)," he raved. "Its nice to prove its possible to have excitement without them."

He raved-on, jokingly: "We're considering trying to find someone with an injury. If anyone's been injured by a glowstick they can get in contact with us and help our cause to get them banned from our gigs."

Thats so nu-rave.


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