Kim Kardashian Dating NFL Player?

As reports claim her divorce case from Kris Humphries could be televised...

Kim Kardashianseems to have put her [uuid=9bbaa614-582b-48f7-a146-42e2f0130f01]failed marriage to Kris Humphries[/uuid] behind her, with reports suggesting the socialite is getting close to another sportsman.
According to US gossip website, Kimmy has swapped the basketball ace for NFL player Mark Sanchez - with a source claiming they have been on a string of dates.
The insider claimed: "Kim and Mark like to meet in hotels for dinner dates and ‘flings’”
“Whenever Kim is in New York, they hang out. They are very careful with not being seen together, Mark is seeing someone!"

They added: "She has her hopes set on a bigger “star” than Sanchez. But for now, he will do.”

In other Kimmy K news, [uuid=70b9fba4-c34a-473a-b24c-bf99ce2d8a3d]reports have suggested her divorce[/uuid] trial could be aired live on TV because California has an 'open policy' on popular cases.
Her attorney Vikki Zeigler claims both Kris and Kim's families may have to testify to prove their marriage was real, telling "There are no divorce settlement talks going on.
"Kim had no intentionto stay married to him and she just got married to make money.He and his team wouldn’t go forward if they didn’t believe that they could prove this [in court.]"
The website reports that the only way Kardashian can avoid a public trial is if she agrees to a financial settlement or accept Humphries' [uuid=1e72b8ff-0781-4f8d-962d-f338deef2aad]request to annul their doomed 72 day marriage[/uuid].

[uuid=1f5af6de-d1d3-4a39-9dc5-1aa294a3df27]SEE SEXY PICS OF KIM KARDASHIAN HERE![/uuid]

[uuid=1010685c-fc79-4569-91d2-de4e1cf2c3d4]CHECK OUT PICS FROM KIM'S TURN IT UP MUSIC VIDEO HERE!!![/uuid]

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