Justin Bieber Is Searching For A Hot Girl He Found On Instagram, Which Is Basically A 2015 Fairytale

Like a modern Cinderella.

After posting what feels like a million throwback photos of himself and ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, it seems like Justin Bieber is finally able to move on.

And who could he be eating fondue by a fire with in the near future? Why, a mysterious girl off of Instagram, actually.

Justin asked his fans for help on Monday (December 7), after re-posting a selfie of an outrageously gorgeous girl and captioning it: "Omg who is this!!"

But while some Beliebers probably had a bit of a jealous fit (us included), others were quick to help track down this anonymous hottie.

Turns out, her name is Cindy Kimberly and she can be found pouting away at @wolfiecindy.

There is ANOTHER account called @wolfiecindyreal which has more followers and is even set to private.

But judging by the fact that the bio says, “if you want to be accepted, go to @justinbieber and comment on my selfie "THIS GIRL IS @WOLFIECINDYREAL”, we’re going to go ahead and call that one a fake.

This is probably the closest thing to a modern fairytale we’re ever going to get, people.

#Justy forever.

- By Charlotte Warwick

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