2018 Horoscopes: Find Out What's In Store For You This Year

What's written in the stars for you this year...?

Wondering whether you’re going to get lucky in love? Or if this is the year Harry Styles finally notices your tweet?

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Well it’s time to find out what’s written in the stars in your 2018 horoscope.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22-Jan 19

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Use your natural charisma to your advantage when hitting the dating scene in 2018. But be careful; don’t let your confidence be mistaken for arrogance. It’s time to be Steve Stranger Things 2, not Steve Stranger Things 1.


This is the year to practice what you preach and instead of just writing those New Year’s Resolutions and forgetting about them five minutes later, it’s time to get motivated and make them happen. Start small with some goals you know you can commit to and you’ll be surprised just how much of a positive change they’ll bring to your day-to-day wellbeing.


There’s drama to be had in your friendship group this year, but don’t let it get you down. It’s never been more important to air your dirty laundry than now and if the friendships really are worth saving, you’ll have forgotten about those crossed wires that seem so major now by the time the clock strikes to ring in 2019.

AQUARIUS – Jan 20-Feb 19

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


You have a tendency to distrust those you don’t know, but why not make it a resolution to give people a little more of a chance this year? You never know, you might just be in for a major, magical surprise that your naturally logical mind never saw coming.


Money might make the world go round, but it’s always been something you don’t really want to think about. As long as you’re not too far into the red, you don’t really care. That is at least until now as 2018 is the year you finally take control. And you know what? You’re going to feel 100% better once you face your finances head on – whether that’s sorting out your student debt, being a little less spend-happy or setting up that savings account you keep meaning to think about.


You might be a great communicator, but don’t forget that not all those around you are as blessed when it comes to speaking up about how they feel. It doesn’t mean they value you any less, it’s just that their way of dealing is closing up to protect themselves. All they need is for you to let them know you’re there and you might just find it opens up a whole deeper level to your friendship when they - and you - need it most.

PISCES – Feb 19-March 20

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


You’ve always known what you want but getting it is proving tricky. But what’s the big rush? If things aren’t going to plan then maybe it’s time to stop obsessing and just see where things go. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen and if not? There are plenty more (smoking hot) fish in the sea – and on Tinder.


Damn, Pisces – get you and your motivation to get stuff done this year! All those plans aren’t about to go to waste either – just don’t mistake those big ideas for daydreams as unless you get the ball rolling on them soon, you might just find them slipping through your fingers. You’re set to reach new heights this year, but you and you alone can make it happen so make it your priority and get moving.


Your friendship group is tight as hell, but what happens when new relationships come between you? Don’t let your fiery temper get the better of you or let resentments boil behind closed doors. You’ll feel way better once you’ve talked it out – your mate didn’t mean it, they just got wrapped up in the moment. And hey, they’re only human, just like you.

ARIES – March 21-April 19

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Love is in the air for you and while you might not believe it right now, you’re in for a year full of romance. Don’t waste time second-guessing and just enjoy it and everything it brings with it – you deserve it!


Life might seem to be cruising along pretty easily right now, but use the New Year to take a step back and think about what you really want. There’s no harm in admitting you don’t know everything and opening yourself up to unexpected offers might just make you realise your heart lies elsewhere. Be kind to yourself and remember that life is for the living - so what are you waiting for?


YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT FRIEND. You really are. And don’t you forget it, no matter how tough the year ahead may or may not be when it comes to keeping up with those who matter most.

TAURUS – April 20-May 20

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


This year is going to be all about asking yourself those deeper questions you’ve been avoiding. But ultimately all that really matters is whether you’re happy. If yes, then great – the people around you who don’t get it just need time to get used to the idea. And if no, then maybe it is time to think about stopping stressing about what is or isn’t and getting on with living your life for you and you alone. Take some time to have some fun because the journey is only just beginning.


Well Taurus, you are in for a BUSY year. Luckily you are way better at juggling priorities than you give yourself credit for – just don’t let those around you forget it and take advantage of your naturally generous nature. There’s a lot of excitement in store for you in 2018 and while it’s tempted to get carried away in the moment, take a sec to remember that sometimes the real beauty is in savouring what’s right in front of you.


It’s a testing time for you when it comes to friendships and while you’re super busy, don’t forget to make time for your inner circle. They won’t hold it against you if you don’t, but actually their input will be way more valuable to you than you ever realised. A problem shared is a problem halved, after all.

GEMINI – May 21-June 20

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Sometimes it feels like you’ve kissed every frog out there, but hey, you’ve always been an animal lover so it’s absolutely nothing to worry about. You might as well make the most of it and have some fun before making a commitment. And if you are all committed and getting itchy feet, perhaps it’s worth considering just how you might scratch them.


Doing the domestic thing might not come naturally to you but you’re set to find unexpected joy to staying in and cosying up this year. It’ll save you money and bring you peace of mind plus might just make those wild and spontaneous nights out your friends rely on you for even better when they do come around.


You might not think of yourself as popular but as a great communicator, people of all signs are drawn to you. And while it’s great to have a big circle, don’t forget that it’s also worth having a couple of inner circle members on hand to talk it out with when you need a strong shoulder to lean on.

CANCER – June 21-July 22

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Life is for living so stop those sofa-side daydreams and get out there and kiss a few frogs. Love might not come knocking right away but if you give a little, you’ll be surprised by just how much you’ll get back in return. And if you’re already in a relationship it’s time to shake things up. Playing it safe has made you forget how much fun you used to have so take a chance and do a little something that’ll surprise them as much as it surprises you. You won’t regret it.


You’re not prone to snap decisions but this year is all about you, so stop overthinking it and finally make some of those things you’ve been putting off happen. Whether that’s going back to school, changing up your routine or putting yourself out there to try something new, it’ll do wonders for your confidence and remind you that actually, now really is your time to shine.


People have a tendency to rely on you and while that’s all well and good, don’t let those closest to you forget that sometimes it’s actually all about you. You might like to keep things to yourself but you can only swerve their personal questions for so long before they’ll stop asking. Make an effort to share a little or a lot – it’s scary but it’ll make you feel better. Plus it’ll make them feel better too: they want you to know they can be relied upon too.

LEO – July 23-Aug 22

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


A change in your usual location will give you the confidence to reach out to an old flame, but your tendency to look at life through rose-tinted glasses will come into play in 2018. Think realistically, Leo, and don’t let your emotions get the better of you.


You’ve been feeling stuck in a rut for quite some time. Your reluctance to rock the boat has left you feeling dissatisfied at work or school, but an unexpected opportunity in 2018 will have hidden benefits that you haven’t even considered. Be open to a change in scenery and good things will follow.


As a Leo, you’re instinctively loyal, even to those who may not have your best interests at heart. Well, no more. Change your name to Edward cos’ it’s time to get Cullen. If there are people in your life who aren’t making you happy, then there’s no place for them in it. Cut the deadweight and you’ll be all the happier for it.

VIRGO – Aug 23-Sept 22

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


The end of 2017 left your heart a little more bruised than you were expecting, but fear not as there are big things for you when it comes to all things lurrrrve this year. Even if things don’t start off well, don’t be disheartened; there are difficult decisions to be made but if you’re having doubts, don’t be afraid to voice them. Whether it clears the air or leads to bigger conversations, it’ll be worth it in the long run.


Your family is the most important support system in your life so it’s time to show them appreciation. You may be the Sharpay of your unconventional tribe but it’s important to let the Chads and the Kelsis have their moment to shine.


This is a year of transformation in your friendship group. While you typically dislike confrontation, an issue that has been simmering under the surface for months will come to a head in 2018. Stick to your guns and don’t stress about salvaging relationships that aren’t worth keeping.

LIBRA – Sept 23-Oct 22

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


You’re in for quite the shake up in the love department this year, Libra. But before you get ahead of yourself don’t expect the worst. This change doesn’t necessarily mean the end of something but perhaps coming to realise the value in someone close to you. This new found sense of appreciation may come off the back of a hard time, but will take your relationship to places you never even expected it could reach.


Money is going to be on your mind this year, but while you’re making some serious headway in getting where you want to be, don’t forget to take a little time out for some fun now and again. A big summer holiday is on the horizon, so make the most of it, make some memories and perhaps kiss a few frogs while you’re at it.


Friends aren’t like a box of chocolates and actually, you can usually guess what you’re going to get judging on a person’s previous behaviour. But that never seems to stop you from looking for the best in people, which may reflect well on your generous character, but doesn’t save you from more than your fair share of heartache. Perhaps this year it would be wise to have a long hard think about who you give your time to and make more space in your life for those who are as consistently good to you as you are to them.

SCORPIO – Oct 23-Nov 21

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


You are in for a bumpy ride in the love department this year, but don’t let the day-to-day ups and downs get the better of you. Stay calm and play it cool. Let other people stress about things for once and perhaps then both parties will come to realise that sometimes the struggle is a valuable learning opportunity that will only make things stronger (and dare we say hotter) in the long run.


Even if the year gets off to a slightly frustrating start, don’t let that demotivate you from doing the work to get you towards the major goals you’ve set yourself. You can do it even if those around you don’t always make you feel like you can. Trust that and you’ll already have won half the battle.


Romance might be your focus this year, but don’t forget about taking time to treasure the super close friendships you are lucky enough to have. You’ve known each other forever but that’s exactly what makes it the perfect base of trust on which to have some major adventures this year.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 22-December 21

Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


Horoscope star sign predictions for 2018


You may be tempted to go OTT on the love front this year, but resist the urge and instead keep those three wise rules in mind. Don’t pick up the phone, don’t let them in and for the love of your future don’t be their friend. Thanks Dua, we don’t know what we’d do without you.


Despite feeling like Khloe Kardashian is your one true spirit animal (or person, sorry Khlo), try a more calm approach when it comes to furthering your career. It may seem like the loudest in the room always get the bosses attention, but your time will totes come. Bible.


As the more curious and energetic one of your friendship group it’s time to make some big social plans for 2018. Your mates will be looking to you to make their summer memorable, so no pressure or anything. Side note: They don’t call Sagittarius people the wild child for nothing.

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