High School Musical 4: Meet The New East High Wildcat Characters

Feat. Sharpay and Ryan's cousin.

This week’s news that a High School Musical 4 is DEFINITELY happening was both exciting and a little sad - Exciting because we get to return to East High, but sad as it doesn't look as though the original cast will be there.

Still, we’re more than ready to embrace the start of something new, and if it means we get to shout Wildcats at all times of the day once again, then we’re most definitely IN.

To get our excitement levels up, details of the characters that will be in the TV movie have been released, starting with football captain, theatre star and Ryan and Sharpay’s cousin, Campbell, who wants to date Erin (er, except she’s more interested in Derek).

Hopefully he’ll appear wearing Ryan’s hats too, because we miss them.

Erin, a girl who’s aiming for the best and is the only girl on the boys’ football team (YAAS), hasa crush on bad boy Derek, who coincidentally falls for her too. With Campbell also on the scene, we can sense a great big sing-song about love triangles and hopefully one of them crawling backwards up some stairs a la Troy Bolton in ‘Scream’.

Speaking of Derek, he's a football-player turned amazing dancer with asoft centre underneath his hard exterior image, whoeven teaches dance classes to little girls at his family’s studio. Our hearts are melting already.

Then there’s East High’s former queen bee, Tamara, who is a cheerleader trying to regain her spot at the top of the social ladder.

Last but not least, Nathalie, a big ol’ fan of East High (same), is also a cheerleader and a loyal, big-hearted best friend to Erin.

Well this is a bit exciting, isn't it? Here's hopingthe original cast also make some cameos because they have to really. We've decided.

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