Halle Berry Takes Ex To Court For 'Making Daughter Appear More White'

Star lets rip at Gabriel Aubry over straightening their child's hair...

Halle Berry is reported to be furious with ex-partner Gabriel Aubry for trying to make their daughter Nahla appear more white.

The Sun reports that the Hollywood star has filed a complaint in court - and has won an order banning him from straightening the six-year-old girl's hair.

She claimed that he was inflicting "potential psychological and physical damage" on Nahla which might make her question "why her natural appearance is not good enough".

[related]"I want both Gabriel and I to make decisions together that affect our daughter, her growth, her development and her general welfare," she stated.

"I continue to hope that Gabriel and I can find a way to work together to be successful co-parents. It was with regret that I concluded that I had to seek the court's intervention on these issues, but until Gabriel recognises the meaning of joint legal custody and how it is implemented, it appears that the court will be my only resort to safeguard Nahla's best interests."

Both parents have now been banned from altering Nahla's hair by the judge, though it's not clear what happens when it's time for a haircut.

Halle's own looks have unsurprisingly won fans over for years now, her appearance as a Bond Girl being suggested as one of the sexiest film entrances EVER. Check her out, amongst her equally peng co-stars in this FHM Sexiest Ladies 20 year retrospective.

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