Baby Groot Kicking Ass In The New Guardians 2 Trailer Will Get You HYPED

Cutest hero in the galaxy.

Another day, another teaser for Guardians Of The Galaxy 2. “Why should I care?” you ask? Well this one is full of brand new Baby Groot footage, and reader, he kicks a whole lot of ass!

So far, we’ve seen the mini tree-creature being cute and cuddly, but this time around we get to see his badass side. And whether riding on Rocket’s shoulders, or raising his own brand of one-tree hell (TY, TY), he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Check out the new teaser below!

We’re still intrigued to find out more about the father-son dynamic between Star-Lord and Kurt Russell’s newcomer, Ego the human planet, as teased in the last trailer. However, until we see some more of that, another dose of Groot-based mayhem will do nicely!

Directed by James Gunn and co-starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 will open in the UK on 28 April 2017.

'- By George Wales @GeorgeWales85'





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