Emma Stone Challenges Andrew Garfield Over Sexist Comment

The Amazing Spider-Man co-stars and real-life couple tangle over sewing remark...

Emma Stone has called her boyfriend and co-star Andrew Garfield out over a sexist comment during an interview to promote The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The stars were both chatting to Yahoo! about the superhero sequel when Garfield made the mistake of referring to sewing as "feminine".

Discussing the origin of Spider-Man's famous costume, he said: "He made it. He made it with his bare hands. He sewed it... It's kind of a feminine thing to do, but he really made a very masculine costume."

Stone was quick to interject and challenge him: "It's feminine how?"

At which point her BF began backpedalling quicker than Lance Armstrong, saying: "I would say that femininity is about more delicacy and precision and detail work and craftsmanship - like my mother, she's an amazing craftsman.

"She in fact made my first Spider-Man costume when I was three. So I use it as a compliment. To compliment the feminine not just in women but in men as well. We all have feminine in us, young men."

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