There's A Crazy 'Fresh Prince' Extra Hidden In The New 'Doom' Game

Now this we did NOT expect from one of the most brutal shooters evs.

You know a game is PROPER triple-A when as well as massive weapons it features ULTIMATE cult comedy moves.

The Carlton dance, from 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air', has been added as a move in the new 'Doom' game - something that gives us a very good feeling about the game.

The iconic dance first appeared in game form in 'Destiny' as an add-on. This allowed your character to pull off the dance as a taunt against enemy gamers. But, while 'Destiny' made you pay for the add-on, 'Doom' doesn't appear to be charging for the taunt. Yay!

The Carlton dance features plenty of arm waving and hip swinging, making it an ideal in-game taunt. Presumably this will be limited to the multiplayer mode, when it's actually going to be seen by others.

The dance move was found in a closed beta version of the game, suggesting it will arrive in the final version soon. This was one of four taunts alongside Horns Metal, Kiss to Crowd and Wave 1. Expect more to come with updates in the future.

The 'Doom 'closed beta runs from 3am Friday 1 April to 5am Monday 4 April UK time.

'- By Luke Edwards @eelukee'

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