From Justin Bieber To Jaden Smith: 10 Of The Most Inspiring Celebrity Tweets You Will Ever Read

Need a bit of motivation before you hit the gym today? We've got you covered.

Ready for a dose of inspiration from some of the most successful, wealthy, and downright gorgeous people in Hollywood?

The following twelve celebs all proved that they have a deadly combination of brains and beauty after opening up some wise AF conversations about garbage, monkeys, and maps. Seriously.

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When Justin Bieber learnt his days of the week

In fairness to the Biebs, time probably is an illusion and we 'should' stop measuring our lives by the way the working week is structured. Who knew that the brains behind “sitting by the fire while we’re eating fondue” would also turn out to be the Nietzsche of the 21st century?

When 50 Cent got riled up about taking out the bins

Having serious $$$ in the bank doesn’t mean grandma will find someone else to carry out some of the moreboringchores on the houseland rota. Next on 50's agenda, scrubbing the toilet and pruning the garden shrubs.

When Justin Bieber just loved animals

How could anyone forget that time Justin hit the headlines for purchasinga pet capuchin monkey called OG Mally?Back in 2013,a nineteen-year-old Justin told his 100 million followers exactly how much he adoredthe furry little creatures. Each to their own.

When Michael Caine had the best advice about life

It’s about as practical as it is philosophical. The actor pointed out that looking backwards in life will only cause you to stumble over your feet in the present, which, in fairness, is actually a pretty valid point. He’s basically Alfred Pennyworth IRL.

When Russell Crowe had an undying love for cartology

Maximus Decimus Meridius himself took to his social-media profiles to declare his passion for maps – which basically means he loves the entire world and everything in it. Right?

When John Cleese tweeted that he was still alive

In a world of social-media hoaxes, OG Q took to Twitter to declare that he was very much still alive. Considering nothing is every truly deleted from the internet, the universewill still be reading this message in 1000 years when the rest of us are just bones and dust. Wild.

When Nicole Richie was confident in her own beauty

Proving that a bit of a self-love goes a long way, the former A Simple Life star took to social-media to declare that she’s fully aware of how excellent her face and figure is. Tbh, we would kill for this level of self-confidence.

When Jaden Smith got philosophical about mirrors

There’s probably notweet on Earth that could ever compare with the legendary message Jaden Smith posted about eyes and mirrors. It’s so out therethat we can’t even begin to decipher what he actually means by the whole thing. But hey, it definitely gets us thinking.

When Richard Dawkins wrote erotic poetry

The evolutionary biologist penned a love note about,, on his social-media account. The end result features an innuendo about phenotypes, genotypes, and the shuffling of “codes,” and is probably in line to receive the Pulitzer prize any day now.

When Kanye West said we should all live in the now

Kanye might be the most unpredictable man alive, but every now and then he comes through with a social-media post that cuts through the crap and points out how much of a miracle it is that we're all alive and breathing. Not to be fake deep, but we kinda love it.

Now go forth and spread some of that positivity in the outside world.

'WATCH! That's What She Said: The Mental Health Episode...'

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