The Creators Of The Viral Pimple Popping Toy On What Makes The Perfect Pus

Pus, glorious pus.

We all know popping your spots is bad for your skin, but when a big old whitehead pops up on your forehead, it's hard to resist the urge to do just that.

Enter the Pop It Pal, a silicone pimple popping toy that's gone viral on the internet for letting you pop spots to your heart's content without ever having to do it on your own face.

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The silicone toy was created by William and Summer Pierce, a couple from Michigan who have been all over the headlines in the past couple of months thanks to the gross but oh so satisfying invention.

So how did they come up with the idea? We caught up with the pimple-loving pair to find out all that plus what makes the ultimate fake pus.

Where did the idea for the Pop it Pal come from?

We were big fans of online pimple videos,whether its pimples, blackheads, cysts, bot fly removal....The list goes on an on.

One day my wife and I were driving down the road and she said: "How awesome would it be if we could make a pimple that felt real and the pop was huge, just like those videos we watch?"I thought: "You might be on to something, Dear," soI spent the next two years figuring out how to make it happen.

Why do you think we’re all so obsessed with pimple popping?

I think first because its so satisfyingyou get almost instant gratification and there’s just something to it, whether you’re watching or physically picking a pimple orblackhead.

How long did the product take to develop?

It took two years to fully develop. It wasn’t an easy road to get to the final product but we worked hard and we were determined to finish it.

Tell us about the pus – what wentin to developing the perfect pus? What does the perfect pus look and feel like or is it more about consistency.

Wehad to perfect the pus to make it look more real. Lots of testing went into getting it just right!

Can you tell us what's in it oris it a top secret pus recipe?

The base ingredients are Cera Alba andOlea Europaea - it's oursecret recipe.

It seems fair to say that it’s gone viral.What has the reaction been like from the general public?

Yesand we’re so very thankful and blessed that it has gone viral. We’ve gotten some amazing support from the public. Now we have some had some negative comments and that’s ok, we know our product is not for everyone and we understand that.

People seem to either love it obsessively or are totally grossed out - What did your friends and family say when you told them about the idea? Were there any funny or extreme reactions?

Thankfullyour family has been very supportive and wanted us to succeed. No one was prepared for the reaction and attention the pals have received this We just launched our busienss in January. We're so very thankful that it has obtained so much media coverage. Its beena true blessing!

Were you pretty confident you were going to get as positive a reaction to the toy as you have done?

Weknew it was something that had never been done but we didn’t know it would be received as well as it has been. So far this journey has been amazing!

Were you at all worried people would think you were weird?

No,we know were weird! Its ok to be different and a little weird.Our 16 year old daughter taught us that. She started KAB, Kids Against Bullying, 6 years ago as a movement to help stop bullying and spread more kindness and compassion into the world. As a result,we've made it part of our mission to give back financially to organisations that help put an end to cyberbullying and bullying in school.

Finally, what makes the ultimate spot for popping, in your opinion?

Welove large cysts and blackheads - the bigger the pop the better!

Get your hands on a Pop It Pal right here.

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